About Joe Wein

Software developer and anti-spam activist

Media fall for “car that runs on water”

Nikkei and Reuters report about an announcement by Japanese company Genepax of a car that supposedly runs on only water. One litre will keep the car running at 80 km/h for about an hour, reports Reuters.

Genepax CEO Kiyoshi Hirasawa is quoted by Reuters as stating that the car requires no external inputs but water. As long as water is available, it will keep running.

Reuters states things a bit differently:

Though the company did not reveal the details, it “succeeded in adopting a well-known process to produce hydrogen from water to the MEA,” said Hirasawa Kiyoshi, the company’s president. This process is allegedly similar to the mechanism that produces hydrogen by a reaction of metal hydride and water.

The uncritical reports by these two sources barely scratch the surface of this story. Hydrogen is not an energy source, it’s an energy carrier as there are no natural sources of it on earth. It always has to be produced through physical or chemical processes that require external energy input of some source, either fossil natural gas or coal or biomass or electricity generated from some source.

The Genepax website does not shed much light on how the hydrogen is produced for their fuel cell. The description of their technology on the company website consists of all of two sentences and one diagram of a fuel cell.

If you produce hydrogen in a chemical reaction of metal hydride and water, you use up not only water, but also metal hydride. Typically, metal hydrides take a lot of energy to produce. Substances such as alkali metal hydrids or aluminium that easily release hydrogen when reacting with water consume huge amounts of electricity in their manufacture — hardly a case of “no external input”.

The car uses a 300W fuel cell, presumably only to supplement a conventional battery, as 0.3 kw is far too little drive a car. That fuel cell sells for about 2 million yen ($19,000), almost enough to buy a Toyota Prius (the base model of which costs 2.3 million yen here in Japan).

Even if the “hydrogen generator” could produce hydrogen indefinitely with no external input (otherwise known as a perpetuum mobile), 300W is not enough power to keep even a small car running at 80 kp/h. It would take at least tens of kW, or the output of maybe 50 of these fuell cells. The concludion is that the demo car ran on a set of batteries previously charged from the mains grid, with no assistance from the Genepax fuel cell that was either significant or sustainable.

While we are not sure about all he facts behind the announcement by Genepax (such as whether they happen to be selling stocks to science-challenged would-be investors right now), we’d suggest taking any of their announcements with considerably more than a pinch of salt.

The domain genepax.co.jp was registered only on May 8, 2008, a mere five weeks ago. That seems awfully recent for a company that claims to have spent years developing this technology.

Whichever way you look at it, the story quickly falls apart, but the journalists hardly seem to notice. With rising fuel prices people will be interested in such “news” and that seems to be all that matters.

Spammers hitch a ride on Google Earth

I recently came across spam that was offering “Google Earth 2008”. In case you don’t know, Google Earth is a free beta product by Google that lets you view satellite images of our planet, probably including a view of your own rooftop.

“Why would someone other than Google promote Google Earth, a product that makes no money?” I asked myself. A little digging soon provided the answer: It’s a scam.

If you search for “Google Earth 2008”, the peculiar product name used by these people, you will not find it on any website owned by Google: There is no product called “Google Earth 2008” by Google. Unlike Microsoft, Google does not include year numbers in any of its product names. The official name of the real product is “Google Earth beta” (there are also Pro and Plus versions, which are not free).

The links in the spam email take you to “new--features.net” and “now--official.com“, which have no connection to Google. Both had only just been registered. Clicking on these links will take you to “instant-access.org” and on to “secure.signupsecurity.com” where you get a choice of several subscription plans, ranging from one year at $2.49 per month to three years at $12.97 per year — for downloading a free product that these people don’t even own the copyright to! If you read the small print you’ll find that you’re buying technical support for a free product that basically doesn’t need any support.

Other domains used with this scam: earth-2008-online.com, mysoftwareprovider.com, googleearth.2008-download-now.com, googleearth-now.com, googleearth.downloading-now.com, googleearth.2008-new.com, googleearth.current-version.com, dailylifeinfo.com, earthvideos.net, dailyfeedback-online.com.

By the way, you can get the real Google Earth beta download for free at http://earth.google.com and it’s a great product.

Sample spam:

Secret Images from Space. Real Photos from a Orbiting Satellite.

Go here to watch video

Search and find different star constellations.
Locate and find comets, asteroids and other heavenly bodies.
A new perspective from our tiny planet.

Explore the universe & our galaxy here

Find your way around town – Search schools, parks, restaurants, & hotels. Also included, driving directions.
Searchable geographic maps – Search and then zoom in! Save and share your searches with your family and friends.
View in 3D and 2D – View the entire world in 3D! Tilt and rotate 3D terrain and buildings.

Go here to visit website

Have a Great Earth Day!

Thank you for your interest,
Steven Nantel
Sales VP

To unsubscribe from onlineproducts-now.com’s list, you may click on the link below: http://onlineproducts-now.com/uns.php?c=isolutions2&m=somenumber&e=emailaddress

Plaza Neptuno, local #7
Via Vicardo J Alfaro, Tumba Muerto
Panama Ciudad
Republica de Panama

Update 2008-06-15:
The same people also run a scam in which they promise you can watch 3000 TV channels on your PC. When you sign up and pay a $19.95 “activation and software fee” (and various subscription fees on top) they apparently send you to a website to download LimeWire and Kazaa.

Example email:

Cable & Satellite bills are becoming more and more expensive these days.
Why pay high monthly fees to watch TV?

What if I were to tell you that there is a TV to PC product which offers you thousands of channels and does not charge you a monthly rate?


Online TV Networks is an easy-to-use computer program that legally accesses thousands of television channels from all over the world and sends them to your computer through the internet!

Have you recently missed any of your favorite shows? With our Satellite TV to PC software you can get right back on track and pick up where you left off.

Never miss a show again!


No cable box or TV card is needed. There are no reoccurring charges.

Are you out of the loop on current events from around the world? Have you been following the election and other political news? Now you can on your own time and at your own pace. Watch TV when you want to.

The Most Watched TV Shows Online:

Family Guy
One Tree Hill


Enjoy News, Sports, Weather, Educational Broadcasting, Children Channels, Home & Gardening, Cooking, Shopping & a wide range of multimedia content.

Watch all of your favorite shows, with satellite television on your computer!


Steven Mathews
Customer Relations

To unsubscribe from onlinetec-help.net’s list, you may click on the link below:

Domains used:
live-tvnet.com, onlinetec-help.net, liveonlinedata.com

And a video download version:

New anticipated summer releases for this weekend
Don’t forget the popcorn!

Weekend Premier:
The Incredible Hulk (Action/Fantasy)
Fugitive Dr. Bruce Banner must utilize the genetic accident that transforms him into a giant, rampaging hulk to stop a former soldier that purposely becomes an even more dangerous version.


You Don’t Mess with the Zohan
Adam Sandler stars in this new film about a Mossad agent fakes his death so he can re-emerge in New York City as a hair stylist.

Kung Fu Panda
Po the Panda is the laziest animals in all of the Valley of Peace, but unwittingly becomes the chosen one when enemies threaten their way of life.


Here are the current top movies at the box office:

Sex and the City
Carrie Bradshaw returns with her friends in the much-awaited film version of the hit TV series.

Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull-
Famed archaeologist Dr. Henry “Indiana” Jones is called back into action when he becomes entangled in a Soviet plot to uncover the secret behind mysterious artifacts known as the Crystal Skulls.


The Strangers
A young couple staying in an isolated vacation home are terrorized by three unknown assailants.

Iron Man
When wealthy industrialist Tony Stark is forced to build an armored suit after a life-threatening incident, he decides to use its technology to fight against evil.


Here’s our picks for the newest released DVD’s of this week:

Rambo, The Golden Compass, 27 Dresses, Paranormal State – Season 1, Cloverfield


Thank you for your interest,

Steven Nantel
Sales VP

To unsubscribe from newonline-vds.net’s list, you may click on the link below:

Plaza Neptuno, local #7
Via Vicardo J Alfaro, Tumba Muerto
Panama Ciudad
Republica de Panama


UPDATE (2008-10-23):

They’re running the same scam with OpenOffice (a great product that is free software):

Open Office Suite 2009
Open, Create & Edit Your Files

Download Office Suite 2009??Here

Edit Word, Excel & Power Point files- 100% MS Office Compatible.
Read and write PDF files just like Adobe.

Here’s how to download Open Office 2009:

1. Go to: Download Page
2. Download Open Office 2009
3. Receive access immediately

This software package is the best way to edit your documents.
Publish all of your documents online in the HTML format.

Thank you for choosing us, the worldwide leader in Open Office 2009.

For More Information Visit our Website

Thank You,

David Matthews
Office Solutions

The domain used is daily-product--info.net, one of many spam domains hosted at and that are used for this scam.

Zimbabwe: Mugabe trying to torture his way to victory

A recently released report by Human Rights Watch about the situation in Zimbabwe before the second round of a presidential election makes for grim reading. The eyewitness reports of brutal beatings, torture and mutilations of suspected supporters of the oppositional Movement for Democratic Change (MDC) show in sickening detail how president Robert Mugabe is unleashing a campaign of terror on his own people to scare them into re-electing him, especially in rural areas that used to be bastions of support for the ruling ZANU-PF party.

28 years after Zimbabwe gained independence from Britain under black majority rule, Mugabe has squandered the respect and admiration that he had earned as a fighter against Apartheid during the 1960s and 70s. Now he is only fighting to preserve power and privileges for himself and his cronies in the army and police. His wife is known as “Gucci Grace” or the “First Shopper”. Many farms taken from commercial farmers were distributed to senior members of ZANU-PF.

It all could have been so different. At Independence, Zimbabwe had one of the best infrastructures in the region and had a well-developed agricultural and mining industry. There was racial reconciliation and many whites stayed on after Apartheid ended. Now one quarter of the population has fled abroad (mostly to South Africa), inflation is sky-high and people are starving.

Already a few years after Independence a brutal counter-insurrection campaign in the southern region of Matabeleland known as Gukurahundi was a first ominous sign how unscrupulous Mugabe could act if he saw a challenge to his power. At least ten thousand people were killed when former members of the ZIPRA guerilla force of rival nationalist party ZAPU and other members of the southern Ndebele tribe were hunted down by the North Korean-trained Fifth Brigade of the Zimbabwe Army, given carte blanche to violate human rights on a massive scale with impunity. The campaign ended in 1987, when ZAPU leader Joshua Nkomo agreed to his party effectively being swallowed up by ZANU.

What I find most disheartening about the situation in Southern Africa is the hands-off attitude of fellow African leaders such as South African president Thabo Mbeki. When black democracy activists were persecuted by the white Apartheid regime in South Africa, all of Africa provided support to their brothers and sisters in need, often at great cost to themselves (such as in Angola and Mozambique, where South Africa supported rebel groups to destabilize these countries). Now that Africans are being tortured, beaten and killed by fellow Africans, many of these African leaders are turning a blind eye.

The victims of torture and violence at the hand of Mugabe’s gangs of thugs deserve solidarity every bit as much as the victims of the South African police and army did before Liberation. By betraying powerless Zimbabwean victims, the current leadership in South Africa and other nations in the region is betraying the ideals of the generations who fought and eventually brought down Apartheid.

What you can do: Find the address of the embassy of the Republic of South Africa in your country and write a letter or a fax to the Ambassador to urge President Thabo Mbeki to use his influence with the government of Zimbabwe to get them to halt the violence now!

Further reading:

An Obama-Clinton ticket would be a bad idea

For months there has been talk about an Obama-Clinton or Clinton-Obama “dream ticket” (in the words of its proponents), that supposedly would draw in strong support from all the electoral groups that supported either Democratic candidate. It now looks unlikely to happen, for a number of good reasons.

As former President Jimmy Carter points out, it would be more likely to combine the perceived weaknesses of both candidates than their strengths:

“That would just accumulate the negative aspects of both candidates,” Carter told the Guardian, saying that both candidates’ vulnerabilities could overshadow that the ticket if the two team up together.

“If you take that 50 percent who just don’t want to vote for Clinton and add it to whatever element there might be who don’t think Obama is white enough or old enough or experienced enough or because he’s got a middle name that sounds Arab, you could have the worst of both worlds,” he said.

In late 2007 Hillary Clinton was widely seen as by far the most likely choice of the Democrats for the presidential election. Then came the primaries and she stumbled. Clinton would have us believe that she was ready for the highest office in the US “from day one”, but she wasn’t ready when Super Tuesday didn’t deliver a knockout blow to Obama as she had expected.

Despite being accused of lacking in political experience, Obama had managed to recruit and build an effective organisation that delivered a string of 11 victories in a row and he out-fundraised Clinton.

After she hit her drought, Clinton kept reinventing herself until she finally managed to find an image that resonated with enough voters. Meanwhile Obama remained himself.

What’s more, he showed class and character thoughout those months, from when he addressed racial issues after the Pastor Jeremiah Wright controversy to partially accomodating Clinton in her unreasonable demands about the disputed primaries in Florida and Michigan. I shook my head in disbelief when Clinton claimed all the Michigan votes for herself, even though voters in Michigan had not even been able to vote for Obama, as he had not been on the ballot, following rules agreed upon by all candidates beforehand.

She was fighting to win at all costs, prepared to take no prisoners. Even when Obama had reached the majority of pledged delegates and super delegates, she did not have the grace to concede his victory and join hands for November. She had to be pushed by senior party leaders.

If there is one thing Barack Obama is good at, it is listening to advice from experienced people. I trust he will listen to those who understand it’s time to turn a new page for a Democratic party no longer under the spell of the Clintons and their political and personal baggage.


Yasukuni school trips OK: Japanese government

When Japanese suicide pilots (known as kamikaze in Western countries or tokkōtai in Japanese) bid farewell to their comrades before their final missions, they would say: “See you at Yasukuni!”

A bronze statue of a tokkōtai pilot at Yasukuni commemorates the numerous young men who died this way during the final months of the already lost war.

For close to 140 years, Yasukuni shrine in Tokyo has been a place where the souls of dead soldiers were venerated. Neither a secular war memorial like numerous tombs of the unknown soldier or national cemeteries, nor a Shinto shrine like any other, it is a place of hero worship and historical white-wash. A museum on the shrine grounds promotes a revisionist version of history, claiming that Japan was not an aggressor but was fighting in self-defence and to liberate Asia from Western colonialism. In the parallel universe of that museum, the rape of Nanjing in China that cost 100,000-300,000 lives never happened. The more than 2.4 million souls whose names on the shrine’s books also include the names of 14 class A war criminals sentenced to death in the Tokyo trials after World War 2. These criminals were originally excluded, but then enshrined decades later. It was at that point that Emperor Hirohito (referred to as “the late Emperor Showa” by the Japanese) stopped visiting the shrine. His son, the present emperor has not visited it either.

In 1945 the Occupation administration issued a ban against the Japanese government forcing citizens to attend state -sponsored Shinto rituals and against promoting militarism. Four years later the Japanese government then issued a ban against school excursions by public schools to Yasukuni and other Shinto shrines for the purpose of worship.

On May 23, 2008 the Japanese government declared this ban null and void, explaining that the original occupation ban had expired when Japan regained its sovereignty in the 1952 San Francisco peace treaty and that it was now OK for schools to organize trips to Yasukuni.

In other words, because an American prohibition against violating the separation of church and state and against militaristic propaganda was no longer in force, both were now apparently acceptable as far as the Japanese government was concerned.

Update Manager hangs in Ubuntu 8.04 (and how to fix it)

Last month I upgraded my notebook from Ubuntu 7.10 to 8.04 (“Hardy Heron”). Since then, whenever I tried tried to install the up to 133 updates that had become available, the Update Manager would hang indefinitely instead of prompting me for the user password.

If you’re in the same situation, the following tips might help you. Edit /etc/hosts with an editor of your choice (e.g. sudo vi /etc/hosts). There should be two entries with IPv4 addresses starting with 127.0.x.x, like this: localhost mycomputername.mydomain

Remove the domain name from the entry starting with, leaving only the computer name and save the file. Now try again.

When I made this change I got the password prompt as expected and all the updates where downloaded and applied.

Microsoft does listen to (some of) its users

Two weeks ago, Infoworld magazine launched a “Save Windows XP!” campaign. Within 5 days, over 164,000 people signed it, demanding that Microsoft do not end OEM and shrinkwrapped sales of Windows XP on 30 June 2008 as announced, but keep it on the market indefinitely. Microsoft did not seem impressed, as the following quote in PC World shows:

The spokeswoman said Microsoft is aware that some customers are pushing for an extension to the deadline — more than 160,000 people have signed a “Save XP” petition launched by Infoworld magazine, for example. But the company has also done its own research among partners and customers, and feels that “the dates are right,” she said, speaking on behalf of Microsoft.

“We feel we’ve made the right accommodations for customers in certain segments who may need more time to transition to Windows Vista,” she said. “But as [Microsoft CEO] Steve [Ballmer] noted, we maintain a constant stance of listening to our customers and our partners. That’s what is guiding our plan, and will continue to guide us going forward.”

I don’t know who Microsoft listens to, but personally I don’t know a single person who prefers Vista over XP. Some of the comments I hear are unprintable. Yesterday, a friend of mine allowed Windows Update to install some updates to his copy of Vista and since then he’s been unable to access the network. Many coroporates still maintain a blanket ban on it and stick with XP.

On the other hand, quite a number of Mac and Ubuntu fans are simply thrilled how much Vista has contributed to driving up interest in their platforms of choice.

Still, I suppose amongst hundreds of millions of Internet users there must be some who are genuine fans of Vista, despite its well documented shortcomings. When Microsoft claims that its death sentence for XP was based on user input, it may not exactly be lying: I suppose most Microsoft shareholder are Microsoft software users too.

Forcing people to buy a more expensive operating system may boost Microsoft’s revenue in the short term. In that sense, it may be in the interest of those users who also happen to be its shareholders. In the long term however it never pays to ignore your customers’ needs. About twenty years ago, IBM tried to force the PC market to switch to its proprietary Micro Channel Architecture (with IBM PS/2 range). The result was that IBM lost control of the PC market place to Compaq and other companies who took over. Microsoft is every bit as arrogant now as IBM was back then and it will suffer the consequences.

Ubuntu 8.04 LTS released

The latest version of Ubuntu, the most popular desktop version of Linux on the market, was released on Thursday, 24 April 2008.

New versions are released every six months and labelled after the release year and month, therefore the latest will be known as 8.04, replacing 7.10. The “LTS” suffix stands for “Long Term Support”, as this version will be supported for three years.

The new version, code named “Hardy Heron” bundles the new FireFox 3.0 web browser, updates to photo management and video and music-related features. It can also install on top of an existing copy of Windows without the need to repartition the hard disk. This lowers the barrier to entry for new users who, if they’re not happy with Ubuntu, can always remove it using the Windows Control Panel, just like any other Windows application.

If you have a bittorrent client such as uTorrent, you can download ISO images of install CDs and DVDs via this page:



Iraq, five years later

On occasion of some spring cleaning in my office I stumbled across an old copy of The Economist (April 5-11, 2003) published as the US forces were marching on Bagdad during the invasion that eventually swept Saddam Hussein from power.

I was opposed to that war at the time (it’s not hindsight, you can ask my wife!) and still am, but with the benefit of five years of experience of how things actually turned out it is interesting what the editors had to say then. I still respect the Economist as (overall) a relatively unbiased source of information though I’m no longer a subscriber.

The defect of these comparisons [with Vietnam and Palestine] is that Iraq is nothing like Vietnam, not much like Palestine or Afghanistan, and, on present evidence, no quagmire. (…) In Vietnam the Americans fought for ten years. The Soviet army spent ten years in Afghanistan. This war entered its third week with the Americans battering through Iraq’s Republican Guard divisions to the gates of Bagdad. At this rate, it will be a surprise if the Americans have to fight for ten weeks, let alone ten years. Israel’s occupation of the West Bank and Gaza has lasted for 36 years. If America has its way, its occupation of Iraq is more likely to last for fewer than 36 months. And there is no reason why America should not have its way: unlike Israel and the Palestinians, America and Iraq have no territorial quarrel. America’s stated aim is to remove the regime and its mass-killing weapons, allow the Iraqis to replace their dictatorship with a representative government, and then depart.

Well, those 36 months (3 years) already expired more than two years ago and no departure is in sight yet. Even someone who would (if elected to the highest office in the country) withdraw the troops after roughly twice that time has to face accusations of wanting to “cut and run”, while John McCain is talking about staying in Iraq for a hundred years.

Not only the time scales have shifted: Before President Bush decided to invade Iraq, his country was the only remaining superpower, having lost the Vietnam war but won the cold war. Following September 11 his people and country had an enormous amount of good will on its side from people and governments all over the world. Now the country is bleeding hundreds of billions of tax dollars and hundreds of lives every year in an undeclared war it can’t win. The Iraq war is deeply unpopular at home and abroad, not to speak of Iraq, where tens of thousands have died in the resulting civil war and “ethnic cleansing”.

The biggest winner of the US effort in Iraq so far has been the unfriendly regime in next door Iran, which saw one of its biggest enemies destroyed at the hands of the US, allowing its closest friends and allies to take over in Iraq.

I am looking forward to a new leadership in the White House that will have the courage to face reality: When you’ve taken a wrong turn you don’t then “stay the course”, especially when you’re heading into a dead end.

Recommended reading:

Yahoo! Mail “0000-00-00 and 9999-99-99” bug

You may have noticed emails from Yahoo accounts recently that include the string “between 0000-00-00 and 9999-99-99” at the bottom of the email. Apparently it gets added to outbound email only on new emails that were composed.

It’s a bug in Yahoo which crept in on April 15 during an upgrade. It’s an issue related to accessing the MySQL database and a date / time comparison. There is no way for Yahoo! Mail users to fix the problem, but it also doesn’t appear to cause any harm beyond thoroughly confusing everyone.

Yahoo is aware of the problem. Their current statement on it is:

“Please be assured that we are aware of this issue and have escalated this to our Engineering Department for further investigation. We hope to have it resolved as soon as possible”.