How this list is compiled:
Every email sent to our mailboxes is analyzed by jwSpamSpy, our spam filter software. It extracts and inspects the domain names in all mail sent to us that meets a sufficient number of criteria that are typical for spam. We then perform whois-lookups (see whois log) and Google searches on these domains, as we seek to minimize the risk of missing legitimate mail from legitimate domains. Nevertheless, nobody is perfect. If you are the owner of one of the following domains and you are not involved in spamming activity, please contact us to get unlisted.
A listing here does not imply that we recommend anyone to block any mail involving these domains, only that we at chose to do so. If you find the following list useful, please make a donation to support our efforts or add a link to it on your website. Thanks!
The following domains may be registered trademarks of their respective owners.
Spam filtering software
The spam filter software that helps build this list is available as a commercial product: