CrossLoop, a secure screen sharing utility for anyone who uses a computer with a broadband connection, is now in beta testing. If you use computers you sooner or later encounter problems where you need somebody’s help to solve them. Often it can be difficult to describe the symptoms or the solution. Whether it’s helping a parent or a customer, CrossLoop makes remote problem solving and cooperation easy and intuitive. Installed and running in under two minutes, it lets you share access to the same computer, looking at the same screen and (optionally) with shared use of the keyboard and mouse. It’s also handy for running a slide show or demonstrating the use of some software to someone hundreds or thousands of kilometres away. Complex software installations, remote troubleshooting — it’s almost like you’re both sitting in front of the same computer. CrossLoop does this without complex setup such reconfiguring routers and firewalls and leaves no backdoors. All data is securely encrypted using 128-bit encryption, so no one can snoop in. And it’s all free 🙂
Disclaimer: I work for the company that makes this product. As someone who lives in Japan, with family, friends and colleagues in Europe, the USA and elsewhere this is a natural product for me to work on and use myself.
Other blogs that talk about CrossLoop:
- MashProxy: Crossloop review (Pete Warden)
- digg: Free & secure screen sharing utility (yessrao)
- Easy screen sharing with a snap (websquirrel)
- Open Source, Innovation and Service – Story of Crossloop (lifebeyondcode)
- CrossLoop – Remote Desktop that’s Grandma proof
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