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Money Transfer Job Scams: August 2007
Please be aware that:
- No legitimate company will use bank accounts of private individuals for forwarding wire transfers from its customers.
- No legitimate company uses employees' private bank accounts for cashing checks from customers.
- No legitimate company uses private individuals to receive and forward parcels for them.
- No legitimate business will pay 5% and more for international money transfers (for example, $250 out of $5000), when banks provide such services for only $30-50 per transaction and businesses and individuals can set up their own bank accounts in other countries if needed.
Any job offer that involves any of the above activities is a fraud!
Job offers on the internet such as the ones listed here involve stolen money and stolen goods. If you participate in these scams, even without criminal intent, you could be held liable and face criminal charges. If you have been recruited, contact the police and notify your bank. Do not withdraw any cash wired to your account! Do not forward any parcels mailed to your home! Talk to the bank and the police first!
Sent: Thursday, August 30, 2007 16:25
Subject: We have a superlative position for you! id: 200
I am writing to inquire if you might be interested in part-time career opportunity
in the of accounting/clerical services.
Management, Ltd., a major investment asset management
, is looking for chargeable and determined
to fill the specialist and associate positions within the Receivables department of
our Transactions/Finance group in the United Kingdom. As a specialist or associate,
you will be in charge of monitoring and processing transfers initiated by our UK clients
and reporting to the Receivables department manager.
We are looking for numerate who are also capable team-players,
with some education and/or previous /clerical .
Monthly gross : 1500-3000 EUR per month
The career prospect is completely home-based, and no relocation is required from the successful candidate.
This job proposal does not involve any fixed working hours and is suitable for senior citizens or self-employed individuals.
Please reply if You are interested in becoming a part of our corporation and EMAIL US. We will reply You more information concerning the job of a /clerical services.
Thank You very much for You time and for Your desire to assist and joint support.
While the following email provides little detail about why you are being contacted, some phrases in there have been used in money mule scams before:
From: "African and Asia Clearance House" <Noreply@dunnix.com>
To: "#####" <#####@################>
Sent: Tuesday, August 14, 2007 05:28
Subject: Development Partners: An Opportunity For You
African and Asia: Partners in Development
New Communities Open For Business
Email: sholabenson@dunnix.com
Dear Sir/Mdm,
A situation has arisen that creates an opportunity for you.
Our firm must finance an expansion additional equity. We
inviting outside investors -YOU- to join our closely held
corporation and share in this growth project and benefits.
We are a Business Financial and Investment Consulting
Services. We provides AIM-listed high net worth Individuals
and Companies Group with full service, focused on the SME
The following areas of business developments:
> Construction of Real Estates
> Information Technology
> Natural Resources
> Freight Forwarding -Transportation
> Manufacturing and Recycling
> Maritime Services
> Timber Forestry
> Agricultural Services
> Tourism and Hotel
We are providing the Clearance House for this venture and
we can also broker a direct relationship with the Business
Communities. I think the enclosed link below will convince
you that this is an extremely profitable use of your money.
Please contact me after you have reviewed the enclosed link,
and we can pursue this matter further. We can set a meeting
in Malaysia, Singapore, China, Japan, UAE and Other Region.
Waiting to hear from you
S. Benson, Dunnix International
Business Financial Consulting
Email: sholabenson@dunnix.com
This message and its attachments may contain legally privileged
or confidential information. It is intended solely for the named
addressee. If you are not the addressee indicated in this message
(or responsible for delivery of the message to the addressee), you
may not copy or deliver this message or its attachments to anyone.
Rather, you should permanently delete this message and its
attachments and kindly notify us by email to Remove@dunnix.com.
Any content of this message and its attachments which does not relate
to the official business of the sending company must be taken not
to have been sent or endorsed by that company or any of its related
entities. No warranty is made that the e-mail or attachment(s)
are free from computer virus or other defect.
Compare with this scam example:
From: "Standard Escrow International"
Subject: Applicants Needed - Make Good Money with Escrow
Standard Escrow International
Local Representative Needed
Good Day!
A situation has arisen that creates an opportunity for you. Standard Escrow International must finance an expansion with additional equity.
Wiktor Romancew, Pool LTD(poolltddir@aol.com)
Sehr geehrte Herr/ Frau!
Ich heisse Wiktor Romancew, Geschaeftsfuerender Gesellschafter (Pool LTD).
Meine Gesellschaft spezialisiert sich uns auf angewandte Entwicklung,
Systemintegration,unsere Spezialisten arbeiten korporativen Netze, Finanzprogrammen und andere Software fuer
verschiedenen Loesungen der Geschaefts - und Finanzproblemen aus, wir verkaufen auch Internet-Projekten, IT-Loesungen.
Die Gesellschaft wurde in Ukraine gegruendet, dort gibt es unseres Hauptbuero. Jetzt oeffnen wir eines neue Buero im Lettland. Wir haben mit vielen europaeschen und
Gesellschaften im Softwarebereich zusammengearbeitet, Unsere Gesellschaft steht in einem guten Ruf. Wir bekommen viele Vorschlaege, Programme fuer auslaendische Maerkte zu schaffen. Wir planen unseren Business im Weltmarkt anzufangen.
Leider haben wir einige Schwierigkeiten mit Zahlungserhalten fuer
unseren Service. Gewoehnlich bekommen wir die Zahlungen in 10-30
Tagen. Es ist zu langsam und unbequem fuer uns. Wir haben keine
Zeit, um jede Postanweisung anzunehmen, auch koennen wir keine
Bankschecks und Ueberweisungen annehmen. Deswegen suchen wir Partner
in Ihrem Land, die uns helfen koennen und diese Bezahlungen bearbeiten koennen.
Natuerlich verstehen wir, dass das Zeit braucht, und wir sind bereit Ihere Hilfe verdient bezahlen.
Wenn Sie unseren Vertreter in Ihrem Land werden, als unser Partner Sie bekommen 8% von
jede ausfuerenden Bezahlung.
Unsere Partner muessen Postanweisungen, Ueberweisungen und Banksscheks
kriegen und bearbeiten und uns schicken ( ohne entsprechende 8%) Unsere Vertreter haben freien Arbeitsablauf-plan und einen gute Nebenverdienst. Das stoert ihre Hauptarbeit nicht!
Wir sind immer froh ueber neue Partner und Ideen! Wenn unser Vorschlag interessant fuer Ihnen, setzen Sie sich bitte in Verbindung mit mir fuer zusaetzliche
mail : poolltddir@aol.com
Emailen Sie bitte folgende Information fuer uns:
Vorname, Name; Alter; Bildung; Ihre Adresse; Kontaktstelefonnummer/ Fax; Ihre Beschaeftigung momentan.
Antworten Sie bitte uns, und wir gewaehren zusaetzliche Information ueber unsere Gesellschaft, wie wir arbeiten und wie man unseren Vertreter sein kann.
Schreiben Sie uns, und wir antworten sehr gerne auf ihren Fragen
Mit freundlichen Gruessen!
Wiktor Romancew.