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Money Transfer Job Scams: May 2007

Please be aware that:
  • No legitimate company will use bank accounts of private individuals for forwarding wire transfers from its customers.
  • No legitimate company uses employees' private bank accounts for cashing checks from customers.
  • No legitimate company uses private individuals to receive and forward parcels for them.
  • No legitimate business will pay 5% and more for international money transfers (for example, $250 out of $5000), when banks provide such services for only $30-50 per transaction and businesses and individuals can set up their own bank accounts in other countries if needed.

Any job offer that involves any of the above activities is a fraud!

Job offers on the internet such as the ones listed here involve stolen money and stolen goods. If you participate in these scams, even without criminal intent, you could be held liable and face criminal charges. If you have been recruited, contact the police and notify your bank. Do not withdraw any cash wired to your account! Do not forward any parcels mailed to your home! Talk to the bank and the police first!

Hello, how are you?
I found your resume in the site.

From: "Monster" <>
To: <recipeintemail>
Sent: Tuesday, May 22, 2007 18:07
Subject: This is a hot chance to work in spare hours, available

Important: This job doesn't require any investments. You don't have to pay for any books, tapes, nothing. You only have to 'invest' your time and work to gather results.
For immediate consideration e-mail your resume to
Please add the following important information about
1. Your name:
2. Your age (must be 21+):

With best regards,

NuCardio Pharmaceuticals Ltd. (

From: "human resources" <>
To: <spamrecipient>
Sent: Monday, May 14, 2007 05:47
Subject: Genuine JOB offer - 3F49C

NuCardio Pharmaceuticals Ltd. emerged in pharmacy and cardiology market in late 2002. Their inexpensive but advanced coronary stents made a revolution in cardiology, now these stents are main production and export product throughout the world. While operating more than three facilities in USA easily gained leadership in this field.

NuCardio have more than 200 Administrative Coordinators all over the world and more than 2,000 workers at four main factories.

NuCardio has now opened Regional Administrative Coordinator vacancies in Australia

Main duties are:
Coordinating internet sales projects.
Contacts with company’s clients
Operating within prescribed budgets
Managing cash and balancing receipts

Wage Details: 52k AUD + benefits

Main requirements for the candidates are:

· Effective interaction with customers;
· Willingness to work at home;
· The ability to operate with more than one task effectively, and have an adaptable, flexible, professional attitude;
· Honesty, responsibility and promptness in operations;
· The ability to create good administrative reporting;
· The ability of stable communication with our company and on-time and detailed reporting;
· Prior customer service experience is a good benefit but not a must ;
· Effective dealing with tight deadlines and frequently changing priorities;
· Must have good leadership skills and be ethical, polite, tactful;
· No medical education is necessary

To the successful applicants we offer a position on a trial period (2 weeks starting from the beginning of work). This is the period when you will be trained. You will receive online support while working and being paid. The evaluation of employees on a trial period is usually done at least 3 days prior to the end of their trial period. During the trial period, the supervisor can recommend termination. At the end of the trial period, supervisor makes his final decision.

If you are interested in this vacancy and you feel, that your qualifications correspond to our requirements, please visit to fill in an application form.

Thank you for your interest to this job.
NuCardio Pharmaceuticals Ltd.

Please do not reply to this email. This mailbox is not monitored and you will not receive a response.

NuCardio Pharmaceuticals Ltd. (

From: "human resources" <>
To: <spamrecipient>
Sent: Monday, May 14, 2007 02:58
Subject: Genuine JOB offer - C9CDE

NuCardio Pharmaceuticals Ltd. emerged in pharmacy and cardiology market in late 2002. Their inexpensive but advanced coronary stents made a revolution in cardiology, now these stents are main production and export product throughout the world. While operating more than three facilities in USA easily gained leadership in this field.

NuCardio have more than 200 Administrative Coordinators all over the world and more than 2,000 workers at four main factories.

NuCardio has now opened Regional Administrative Coordinator vacancies in Australia

Main duties are:
Coordinating internet sales projects.
Contacts with company’s clients
Operating within prescribed budgets
Managing cash and balancing receipts

Wage Details: 52k AUD + benefits

Main requirements for the candidates are:

· Effective interaction with customers;
· Willingness to work at home;
· The ability to operate with more than one task effectively, and have an adaptable, flexible, professional attitude;
· Honesty, responsibility and promptness in operations;
· The ability to create good administrative reporting;
· The ability of stable communication with our company and on-time and detailed reporting;
· Prior customer service experience is a good benefit but not a must ;
· Effective dealing with tight deadlines and frequently changing priorities;
· Must have good leadership skills and be ethical, polite, tactful;
· No medical education is necessary

To the successful applicants we offer a position on a trial period (2 weeks starting from the beginning of work). This is the period when you will be trained. You will receive online support while working and being paid. The evaluation of employees on a trial period is usually done at least 3 days prior to the end of their trial period. During the trial period, the supervisor can recommend termination. At the end of the trial period, supervisor makes his final decision.

If you are interested in this vacancy and you feel, that your qualifications correspond to our requirements, please visit to fill in an application form.

Thank you for your interest to this job.
NuCardio Pharmaceuticals Ltd.

Please do not reply to this email. This mailbox is not monitored and you will not receive a response.

NuCardio Pharmaceuticals Ltd. (

NuCardio Pharmaceuticals Ltd. emerged in pharmacy and cardiology market in late 2002. Their inexpensive but advanced coronary stents made a revolution in cardiology, now these stents are main production and export product throughout the world. While operating more than three facilities in USA easily gained leadership in this field.

NuCardio have more than 200 Administrative Coordinators all over the world and more than 2,000 workers at four main factories.

NuCardio has now opened Regional Administrative Coordinator vacancies in Australia

Main duties are:
Coordinating internet sales projects.
Contacts with company’s clients
Operating within prescribed budgets
Managing cash and balancing receipts

Wage Details: 52k AUD + benefits

Main requirements for the candidates are:

· Effective interaction with customers;
· Willingness to work at home;
· The ability to operate with more than one task effectively, and have an adaptable, flexible, professional attitude;
· Honesty, responsibility and promptness in operations;
· The ability to create good administrative reporting;
· The ability of stable communication with our company and on-time and detailed reporting;
· Prior customer service experience is a good benefit but not a must ;
· Effective dealing with tight deadlines and frequently changing priorities;
· Must have good leadership skills and be ethical, polite, tactful;
· No medical education is necessary

To the successful applicants we offer a position on a trial period (2 weeks starting from the beginning of work). This is the period when you will be trained. You will receive online support while working and being paid. The evaluation of employees on a trial period is usually done at least 3 days prior to the end of their trial period. During the trial period, the supervisor can recommend termination. At the end of the trial period, supervisor makes his final decision.

If you are interested in this vacancy and you feel, that your qualifications correspond to our requirements, please visit to fill in an application form.

Thank you for your interest to this job.
NuCardio Pharmaceuticals Ltd.

Please do not reply to this email. This mailbox is not monitored and you will not receive a response.

NuCardio Pharmaceuticals Ltd. (

From: "human resources" <>
To: <spamrecipient>
Sent: Sunday, May 13, 2007 21:37
Subject: Genuine JOB offer - 6C8D7

NuCardio Pharmaceuticals Ltd. emerged in pharmacy and cardiology market in late 2002. Their inexpensive but advanced coronary stents made a revolution in cardiology, now these stents are main production and export product throughout the world. While operating more than three facilities in USA easily gained leadership in this field.

NuCardio have more than 200 Administrative Coordinators all over the world and more than 2,000 workers at four main factories.

NuCardio has now opened Regional Administrative Coordinator vacancies in Australia

Main duties are:
Coordinating internet sales projects.
Contacts with company’s clients
Operating within prescribed budgets
Managing cash and balancing receipts

Wage Details: 52k AUD + benefits

Main requirements for the candidates are:

· Effective interaction with customers;
· Willingness to work at home;
· The ability to operate with more than one task effectively, and have an adaptable, flexible, professional attitude;
· Honesty, responsibility and promptness in operations;
· The ability to create good administrative reporting;
· The ability of stable communication with our company and on-time and detailed reporting;
· Prior customer service experience is a good benefit but not a must ;
· Effective dealing with tight deadlines and frequently changing priorities;
· Must have good leadership skills and be ethical, polite, tactful;
· No medical education is necessary

To the successful applicants we offer a position on a trial period (2 weeks starting from the beginning of work). This is the period when you will be trained. You will receive online support while working and being paid. The evaluation of employees on a trial period is usually done at least 3 days prior to the end of their trial period. During the trial period, the supervisor can recommend termination. At the end of the trial period, supervisor makes his final decision.

If you are interested in this vacancy and you feel, that your qualifications correspond to our requirements, please visit to fill in an application form.

Thank you for your interest to this job.
NuCardio Pharmaceuticals Ltd.

Please do not reply to this email. This mailbox is not monitored and you will not receive a response.

From: "Ises Solar" <>
To: "info" <spamrecipient>
Sent: Saturday, May 12, 2007 21:08
Subject: Bis zu 750 Euro/Woche als Nebenverdienst

Sehr geehte Damen und Herren,

heute gehört die Ises Solar Ltd mit ihren hochwertigen Produkten zu den europaweit führenden Unternehmen der Solartechnik.
Das Produktspektrum umfaßt Solarstrommodule, Wechselrichter, Befestigungssysteme und weitere Komponenten sowie komplette
Solarstromanlagen für netzgebundene und netzferne Anwendungen. Die außerordentlich hohen Energieerträge der Solar-Fabrik-Anlagen sind eine Folge der konsequenten Qualitätspolitik.

Der Vertrieb erfolgt in Deutschland und ganz Europa über Fachinstallationsbetriebe, OEM-Kunden, Betreibergesellschaften, den Großhandel sowie Energieversorgungsunternehmen.

Die hohe Qualität unserer Produkte und Dienstleistungen ist entscheidend für unseren Erfolg am Markt.

Wir fühlen uns dem Erfolg unserer Kunden verpflichtet und unterstützen sie deshalb bei ihren Aktivitäten.
Wir setzen auf eine vertrauensvolle Zusammenarbeit und partnerschaftliche, dauerhafte Beziehungen mit unseren Kunden, Lieferanten und anderen Geschäftspartnern.

Wir sehen in einem kontinuierlichen Verbesserungsprozeß (KVP) die Voraussetzung, um die Ergebnisse unserer Arbeit für den Kunden optimal
zu gestalten. Die Beurteilung unserer Leistungen durch die Kunden stellt für uns ein wichtiges Instrument zur ständigen Verbesserung dar.

Im internen Umgang sind Vertrauen, Fairness, Wertschätzung und Offenheit Grundlage unseres Handelns.
Kontinuierlicher Informationsaustausch, Teamarbeit sowie Eigeninitiative und verantwortliches Handeln jeder/s Einzelnen
kennzeichnen unsere Arbeitsatmosphäre.

Wir benennen Konflikte offen und verpflichten uns, Spannungen untereinander aktiv und unmittelbar zu lösen. Probleme sehen wir als
Lernchancen. Wir legen Wert auf sichere und attraktive Arbeitsplätze und gute Arbeitsbedingungen zur Erhaltung von Motivation und Gesundheit.
Wir schaffen ein Umfeld, in dem Leistung Spass macht. Wir sind Magnet für die Besten.

Kontinuierliche Verbesserung
Wir arbeiten konsequent an der Verbesserung der Qualität unserer Produkte und Dienstleistungen. Ein Ziel dabei ist, die Belastung unserer Umwelt nachhaltig zu verringern. Wir wollen unsere Effizienz in allen Bereichen des Unternehmens kontinuierlich steigern.
Wir streben stets nach den besten verfügbaren Technologien und Methoden. Dabei achten wir konsequent auf die ständige Verbesserung unseres Managementsystems. Wir definieren die Unternehmensprozesse und Ziele klar und transparent, überwachen und analysieren diese regelmäßig und reagieren schnell auf Abweichungen.

Die Ises Solar Ltd wurde Anfang 2004 in der Ukraine gegründet und gehört mit ihren hochwertigen Produkten heute zu den europaweit führenden Unternehmen der Solartechnik.
Das Produktspektrum umfaßt Solarstrommodule, Wechselrichter, Befestigungssysteme und weitere Komponenten sowie komplette Solarstromanlagen für netzgebundene und netzferne Anwendungen. Unsere Kunden sind Installationsbetriebe, Betreibergesellschaften, OEM-Kunden und der Großhandel. Generalimporteure im Ausland sorgen für steigende Export-Zahlen.

Ein dezidiertes Qualitätssicherungskonzept und die Produktion in der mehrfach ausgezeichneten "Nullemissionsfabrik"sichern der Solar-Fabrik hohe Qualitätsstandards und ökologische Glaubwürdigkeit.

Aufgrund des kontinuierlichen Wachstums auf dem europäischen und den internationalen Märkten sowie den stetig steigenden Produktionskapazitäten sind wir immer auf der Suche nach qualifizierten und hoch motivierten Arbeitskräften.

Mehr dazu unter unseren aktuellen Stellenangeboten:

Wir suche zur Zeit:
- Mitarbeiter/- in in Teilzeit, Vertrieb Innendienst (First Level Support)

Ihre Aufgaben:
- Verwaltung und Weiterleitung der Kundengelder
- Weiterleitung von Privatkunden-Gelder an unsere Vertriebspartner
- Auftragsannahme

Unser Service Center bietet den ersten Kontakt mit unserem Unternehmen und überträgt den „Spirit" der Marke Ises Solar Ltd auf unsere Kunden.
Sie gestalten den Kontakt äußerst positiv, indem Sie kompetent, verbindlich und freundlich gegenüber unseren Kunden auftreten.

Ihr Profil:
Sie sind kommunikativ und trauen sich zu, die vertriebsorientierten Aufgaben in unserem Service Team zu bewältigen.
Die Beschäftigung erfolgt im Rahmen eines Job-Sharing Systems. Ihre Arbeitszeiten betragen 2 bis 8 Stunden in der Woche.
Internet, E-Mail, Grundkenntnisse der Hauptzahlungssysteme. Es wäre wünschenswert, wenn Sie ein eigenes Konto in einem deutschen
Geldinstitut mit Online Banking hätten.
Genauigkeit, Pünktlichkeit, Zuverlässigkeit und natürlich eine gesunde Arbeitseinstellung.

Ihr Vorteile und Ihr Verdienst:
- Sie werden zunächst unser Vertreter und Mittelsmann zwischen uns und unseren Kunden in Ihrem Land.
- Sie zahlen keine Gebühren und müssen nichts investieren.
- Sie haben eine flexible , interessante Arbeit , mit unterschiedlichen Tätigkeitsschwerpunkten und hohen Beförderungsmöglichkeiten.
- Sie verdienen zuerst zwischen 500 und 1000 Euro pro Woche.
- Sie können selbst Ihren Verdienst bestimmen. - da Sie auf einem Prozentsatz arbeiten - hängt Ihr Verdienst nur von Ihrer Arbeitsbereitschaft ab.

Wenn Sie sich für eine innovative Energietechnik engagieren wollen und ein attraktives Tätigkeitsfeld im Wachstumsmarkt Solarenergie suchen, freuen wir uns auf Ihre Bewerbung mit einem Foto.
Falls Sie für unser Angebot Interesse haben und bereit sind, eine gut bezahlte, aber auch verantwortungsvolle Arbeit auszuführen, so schreiben Sie uns bitte an:

Nach der Bearbeitung Ihrer Bewerbung, wird Ihnen im Falle einer Zusage Ihre Tätigkeit genauestens erläutert, Sie werden mit unserer Gesellschaft bekannt gemacht und es folgt in kürze der Arbeitsvertrag

Wir hoffen auf eine gute und erfolgreiche Zusammenarbeit

Mit freundlichen Grüssen
Ises Solar

Diese Email wurde von einem unserer Email Roboter erstellt. Antworten Sie bitte nicht an folgende Email mit der Option "an Absender antworten", senden Sie keine Emails an die Absenderadresse, da Ihre Email automatisch gelöscht wird. Unsere Email ist weiter oben angegeben.

From: "Elena Volkova" <>
To: "spamrecipient" <spamrecipient>
Sent: Monday, May 07, 2007 21:08
Subject: We need partner in United states

Hi, I am Volkova Elena
I am a manager at the Russian software-development company DB Soft Software.
You can visit our official web site at
We selling software products for databases and service support for our
Our company have many clients from United states who whant buy our products
and services.

Western Soft company located in Russia City: Saint-Petersburg

We have trubles with processing payments from clients from United States
Unites states clients prefered pay by USA payment Systems like Paypal,
Google checkout,
Credit cards throuth merchant, USA bank wire transfers.

Paypal does not work in Russia. Google check out also have no office in
Russian merchnats not support payments with billing adresses located in
United states

We need partner in United states for processing orders for our USA clients

- Resident of The United States;
- Home Computer with e-mail account and ability to check your e-mail
box at least twice a day;
- Adults only accepted (we cannot hire underage people);
- 1-3 hours free during the week for communication
- Ability to open or already have one of this accounts in USA payment
Paypal, Google checkout,USA merchant account, Bank of america accoutn ,
Wells fargo bank account

Job description:
You will received transfers from our client by USA payment system
(merchant,paypal, bank) and forward

trnasfers to our company throuth Western Union or moneygram international
payment system

You will earn 10% of the transaction amount for the exchange service if you
process transfer within 3-4 days.
Or even 15% of the amount if you able process transfers same day when
received it from our client.

If you are interested or have any questions, please contact me at (my preferred

or you can contact me through our website (please fill out the support form and
include your email address for


Thank you

From: "Masha Sokolova" <>
To: <spamrecipient>
Sent: Wednesday, May 02, 2007 07:05
Subject: Job offer

We are looking for a motivated individual who loves to work in a fast paced environment to be our representative.
The ideal candidate must be able to organize and complete a diverse set of administrative tasks, handle client service issues, maintain calendar, schedule client appointments, organize and maintain client information, send out correspondence and various other administrative duties.
If you don't have a resume or working history then just e-mail us, please give some reasons why exactly you will suit us.
Job Description:
- Career prospects in a rapidly expanding company, professional growth support;
- Involvement in strategic level corporate activities;
- Flexible working schedule;
- Employment contract;
- Part-time job.

Position Requirements:
- Fluent English, both spoken and written;
- Knowledge of PC: MS Office, typing, instant messengers;
- Communication skills, ability to communicate freely via phone and e-mail.

Additional Requirements:
- Age 26+;
- USA citizen only;
- Proactive approach to work;
- Responsiveness;
- Diligence;
- Ethical and honest;
- Internet.

For immediate consideration, please send resume to: